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Tesla Protection
注:偏光グラスをお使いの場合は、マットスクリーンプロテクターが必要になります。偏光グラスを通して HD クリア プロテクターを見ると、ぎらつきと「虹」の外観が見られます。
取り付け時間: 0.5 時間
はい。任意のガラス/窓クリーナーを使用できますが、画面をピカピカにするには、ガラス クリーナーとガラス マイクロファイバーをお勧めします。
Ordered the Matte screen protector for my Model Y. Initially installed per instructions but the tab was not in correct location. Contacted customer service and was very helpful. Works as stated and would recommend highly to protect your screen.
Although not readily visible when the screen is illuminated, the air pockets are numerous and readily visible when screen is off. It will indeed protect the screen but appears less than a polished installation.
I’m always apprehensive about screen protectors. Sometimes they are good sometimes they are junk. This one is fantastic. The alignment tool got it on my screen perfectly. And I love the matte finish, no more fingerprints. The only downside is that the matte finish can make the screen a bit hard to see when it’s hit with direct early morning sunlight. But I can get over that.
It was good quality and installation was fairly easy
Installed at Tesla Delivery. Now I know that my screen will be protected and looks great. Easy install. The video was perfect.